Types of Migraines: The Ins and Outs


    Migraine headaches are misunderstood often by the general public. According to the American Migraine Foundation, there are 7 different types of migraine headaches, and multiple other types of headaches that are similar or mimic migraines. For this post, I am going to go over the ins and outs of the different types of migraines.
    The most common type of migraine according to the AMF is migraine without aura, which affects about 70-75% of migraine sufferers. The other 25% have migraine with aura. What is aura? It is a neurological phenomenon that manifests as odd visual disturbances. Here are some examples of what this phenomenon looks like to migraine sufferers, but everyone is unique and it may vary.

    Another type of migraine is an Acephalgic Migraine, which is a migraine without the pain but with the aura. According to the AMF, a person who experiences this type of migraine is more likely to also have other types of migraines as well.
    A Hemiplegic Migraine is a very rare type that mimics a stroke, giving the sufferer weakness and tingling on one side. Due to it being so rare, someone experiencing this migraine should assume it is a medical emergency and seek medical attention immediately.
    A Retinal Migraine has loss of vision in one eye that returns after the attack is over. It is also a very rare type of migraine that affects mostly women during their childbearing years.
    Chronic Migraine is when a sufferer has 15 or more days with migraine per month. I have this type of migraine, which responds differently than migraines that are occasional.
    Abdominal Migraine is a migraine that manifests as pain in the middle of the stomach as well as the other migraine symptoms such as light and noise sensitivity. According to the AMF, it is most often in children. however I as an adult has also had these.
    There are other conditions that mimic migraines or have head pain in a similar area of their head. To obtain an accurate diagnosis, going to a doctor or neurologist can yield accurate results. Keeping track of your symptoms in a daily journal is also a great way to start.

greatestbusiness1, et al. “What Is Migraine Aura?” The Migraine Pain, 17 June 2020, themigrainepain.com/what-is-migraine-aura/.

“What Type of Headache Do You Have?” American Migraine Foundation, 30 Jan. 2023, americanmigrainefoundation.org/resource-library/what-type-of-headache-do-you-have/.

Wilson, Melinda. “Ocular Migraine Aura: What Is It?” Treat Headaches, 17 July 2019, treatheadaches.com/ocular-migraine-aura/.

Wyant, Paige. “17 People Describe What Visual Auras from Migraine ‘look’ Like.” The Mighty, 11 Aug. 2023, themighty.com/topic/migraine/what-do-migraine-auras-look-like/.


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